Why Commercial Real Estate Is a Wise Investment

August 30th, 2011 → 9:15 pm

In this topsy turvy world where is one to invest today? Some say gold, but how high is up? The stock market is a bigger stomach acid producer than jalapeno peppers. Bank rates are – well – about 0. Literally. Heres a thought: commercial real estate. In this market? Absolutely. Let’s look a few good reasons.

  1. The value of commercial real estate is definable based on its stream of cash. It is simplt to assess a range of value based on hard numbers as opposed to external market factors.
  2. Debt is cheap and debt is available. The fed has certainly accomplished its goal of keeping rates down, despite our recent downgrade. Banks are looking to lend – prudently, yes – but they need to put money on the street to earn income.
  3. Prices on commercial properties have become more realisitc. Although not a fire sale one can buy properties with reasonable returns.

All in all if you have money sitting on the sidelines it bears consideration to look at Main Street commercial property in your town. Should you be new at this and desire a consultant to guide you through the maze, feel free to contact me through this web site.
